The Power Dog Manufacturing FacilitySplit Thru GuaranteeCommercial grade Log SplitterVertical Log Splitterpowerdog log splitterPower Dog vertical log splitterPower Dog horizontal log splitterPower Dog MADE IN USA log splitter
tilling spring sod to prepare for a summer garden with a POWER DOG tillerPower Dog TILLERReady to work.A new machine that we are getting packed up to ship!The free wheel pin can be pulled so that the machine can be pushedThe Ambush by POWER DOG EQUIPMENTBrush doesn’t stand a chanceRolling handle bar makes driving intuitive1″ to 2″ brush cleared easily by AmbushAmbush Clearing Spring Dead Grass & Brushhandle attachedAccess panel before it is removed
Attach the handleAt the beginningThrottle control after attached
Inside the access panel close upAttaching the control arm just below the operator controls
Access panel removedAttach throttle cable to the engine
Attach control armAfter the arm has been attachedAttach the control arm just below operator controlRemove cover access plateFasten the handleInsert the four boltsRight out of the box, the handle is not attachedCutting 1″ Inch Thick BrushEarly Spring Brush MowingPower Dog Walk Behind MowerEasily Knocks Down 1″ to 2″ BrushHard At Work926 Revolving Deck MowerLoading The 926 (Ramps Are Available)Roll Forward For Forward MotionRoll Back For Backwards Motion