Power Dog Brand Standards

The Power Dog Brand utilizes several distinctive fonts and colors to represent its image through web, print and other online or physical media.

- Colors:
- Yellow #FDDB31 For background or margin areas, example yellow is used as background for in store dealer banners as exhibited below:

Power Dog brand mediums hold familiarity even when used in designs that cannot represent color such as black and white print where the visual representations are held only by font style and brand icons.
POWER DOG when used as a logo, or brand font is TobagoPoster, as below: TM

TobagoPoster is also used when the tag line is included:

Brand representative icons include the Dog:
TM (Trade Mark) should be used always after the trade marked name, POWER DOG. Also, can be used when referencing the brand thorough an icon, see example to the bottom right of the dog:
Power Dog Fonts include:
- Arimo:

- Adelle:

- Gungsuh